




Življenje Ljubljančanov med drugo svetovno vojno

Avtor(ji):Mojca Šorn
Soavtor(ji):Žarko Lazarevič (ur.)
Založnik(i):Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Zbirk(e):Zbirka Razpoznavanja = Recognitiones ; 6
Identifikator:COBISS.SI-ID 236081920
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Mojca Šorn je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
Ime:Zivljenje Ljubljancanov med drugo svetovno vojno.pdf

The monograph illustrates the life of Ljubljana inhabitants during WW II. It clearly shows that the German occupying authorities were much less involved in the every-day life of these inhabitants than their predecessors, the Italian occupying formations. The authorities, who operated within some sort of Slovene autonomous territory of the so-called Ljubljana Province, even tried to improve the living standard of Ljubljana’s inhabitants during the time of the German occupation. However, the long-lasting war prevented the realization of this goal. In addition to a depiction of the changes made in the daily routine of the Ljubljana population, the monograph also presents the new, wartime portrait of Ljubljana. It reveals that various measures implemented by the occupying bodies, such as compulsory blackout and the police curfew, as well as the general shortages, together affected the overall outlook of Ljubljana. This was clearly reflected in the long queues at stores, the turning of city parks into cultivated fields, the reduction in traffic and the increase of bicycles due to the lack of gasoline, as well as frequent power blackouts that often eliminated lighting in the city.

Metapodatki (15)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/1555
    • naslov
      • Življenje Ljubljančanov med drugo svetovno vojno
    • ustvarjalec
      • Mojca Šorn
    • soavtor
      • Žarko Lazarevič (ur.)
    • predmet
      • Slovenija
      • druga svetovna vojna
      • vsakdanje življenje
      • Ljubljana
      • družbene razmere
      • Slovenia
      • World War II
      • every-day life
      • Ljubljana
    • opis
      • Pred nekaj leti sem v arhivu naletela na pismo Ljubljančanke, datirano z 19. januarjem 1945, ki se glasi: “Iskrena hvala za recepte, toda zdaj bolj malo pečem v roru, le toliko kurimo, da si skuhamo, ker štejemo polenčka, da ja enega preveč ne pokurimo, sobe pa imamo kot “Frigidare” mrzle, no pa saj to je zdravo, kot pravijo. Po mestu so že skoro vse lesene ograje izginile. /.../. Najlepša Vam hvala za poslano ajdovo in koruzno moko. Ob dobrih žgancih se Vas bomo hvaležni spominjali”. Ta droben dokument in njegovo obširno zgodbo sem postavila v širši okvir v doktorski disertaciji z naslovom Življenje Ljubljančanov med nemško okupacijo, nadgradnja začetega dela pa je pričujoča monografija, ki odgovori na vprašanje, kako sta druga svetovna vojna in okupacija vplivali na Ljubljano in vsakodnevno življenje v njej.
      • The monograph illustrates the life of Ljubljana inhabitants during WW II. It clearly shows that the German occupying authorities were much less involved in the every-day life of these inhabitants than their predecessors, the Italian occupying formations. The authorities, who operated within some sort of Slovene autonomous territory of the so-called Ljubljana Province, even tried to improve the living standard of Ljubljana’s inhabitants during the time of the German occupation. However, the long-lasting war prevented the realization of this goal. In addition to a depiction of the changes made in the daily routine of the Ljubljana population, the monograph also presents the new, wartime portrait of Ljubljana. It reveals that various measures implemented by the occupying bodies, such as compulsory blackout and the police curfew, as well as the general shortages, together affected the overall outlook of Ljubljana. This was clearly reflected in the long queues at stores, the turning of city parks into cultivated fields, the reduction in traffic and the increase of bicycles due to the lack of gasoline, as well as frequent power blackouts that often eliminated lighting in the city.
    • založnik
      • Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino
    • zbirka
      • Zbirka Razpoznavanja = Recognitiones ; 6
    • datum
      • 2007
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • identifikator
      • COBISS.SI-ID 236081920
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • pokritost
      • pokritost: Ljubljana, 1941-1945
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd
    • datotečni vir