

Serijske publikacije


Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino

Tradicija Josipa Jurčiča na Muljavi: meje lokalizma in nacionalizma

Avtor(ji):Marko Zajc
Soavtor(ji):Zdenko Čepič (odg. ur.), Damijan Guštin (gl. ur.), Borut Praper (prev.), Bojana Samarin (lekt.)
Založnik(i):Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Marko Zajc je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
With the example of an amateur theatre in a Slovenian village the author demonstrates that the adherence to the local community has a significant role in the establishment of everyday nationhood, especially in the communities not bordering on »others«. The writer and patriot Josip Jurčič (1844-1881) was born in the village of Muljava. In 1911 patriotic students organised the theatre staging of Jurčič’s novel for the first time. The performances, featuring »ordinary people« speaking the local dialect, became a traditional village activity. The villagers are active and creative in cultivating a memory. The identification with the significance of »our« man in the national mythology increases the importance of the village. The organisation of rituals is an important volunteer activity, which brings the village community together. The organisation of village rituals simultaneously represents the organisation of national rituals. The adherence to the local community outgrows itself. On one hand it is concrete and the members confirm it with joint activities, while on the other hand it is placed in a wider national context. The changes in the state related and ideological context (Austro Hungary, the First Yugoslavia, the socialist Yugoslavia, Slovenia) contribute to the shaping of the village rituals. Various nation building groups attempt to approximate the local patriotic nationhood to their own versions of the national ideologies. A constant misunderstanding exists between the local patriotic nationhood and the nationhood of the elites. A successful nationalism is a misunderstanding that »works«. The author’s thesis is based on the exploration of archive, newspaper and oral sources.
Metapodatki (12)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/34922
    • naslov
      • Tradicija Josipa Jurčiča na Muljavi: meje lokalizma in nacionalizma
      • Josip Jurčič’s Tradition in Muljava: The Boundaries of Localism and Nationalism
    • ustvarjalec
      • Marko Zajc
    • soavtor
      • Zdenko Čepič (odg. ur.)
      • Damijan Guštin (gl. ur.)
      • Borut Praper (prev.)
      • Bojana Samarin (lekt.)
    • predmet
      • Slovenija
      • 17. stoletje
      • narod
      • nacionalizem
      • Muljava
      • Josip Jurčič
      • lokalni patriotizem
      • Slovenia
      • 17. century
      • nation
      • nationalism
      • Muljava
      • Josip Jurčič
      • local patriotism
    • opis
      • Avtor na primeru amaterskega gledališča v slovenski vasi prikazuje, da ima privrženost lokalni skupnosti veliko vlogo pri oblikovanju vsakdanjega nacionalizma, še zlasti v skupnostih, ki ne ležijo na meji z »drugimi.« V vasi Muljava se je rodil pisatelj Josip Jurčič (1844-1881). Leta 1911 so nacionalistični študenti v vasi prvič organizirali odrsko uprizoritev Jurčičevega romana. Predstave, v katerih igrajo »navadni ljudje« v lokalnem narečju, so postale tradicionalna vaška dejavnost. Da bi ostala zavest o osebnosti živa, mora biti lokalna skupnost aktivna in kreativna pri kultiviranju spomina. Identifikacija s pomenom »našega« človeka v nacionalni mitologiji, poveča pomen vasi v ideološkem nacionalnem prostoru. Organizacija ritualov je pomembna prostovoljna dejavnost, ki povezuje vaško skupnost. Opravljanje vaških ritualov je istočasno opravljanje nacionalnih ritualov. Privrženost lokalni skupnosti preraste samo sebe. Po eni strani je konkretna in jo člani potrjujejo s skupnimi aktivnostmi, po drugi strani pa je postavljena v širši, nacionalni kontekst. Čeprav lokalpatriotski nacionalizem, ki so ga spodbudile elite, za reprodukcijo več ne potrebuje elit, obstajajo žive vezi z elitnim nacionalizmom. Spremembe državnega in ideološkega konteksta (Avstro-Ogrska, prva Jugoslavija, socialistična Jugoslavija, Slovenija) sooblikujejo vaške rituale. Različne narodotvorne skupine poskušajo lokalpatriotski nacionalizem približati svoji verziji nacionalne ideologije. Med vsakdanjim nacionalizmom in nacionalizmom elit je konstanten nesporazum. Uspešen nacionalizem je nesporazum, ki »deluje«. Avtorjeva teza temelji na raziskavi arhivskih, časopisnih in ustnih virov.
      • With the example of an amateur theatre in a Slovenian village the author demonstrates that the adherence to the local community has a significant role in the establishment of everyday nationhood, especially in the communities not bordering on »others«. The writer and patriot Josip Jurčič (1844-1881) was born in the village of Muljava. In 1911 patriotic students organised the theatre staging of Jurčič’s novel for the first time. The performances, featuring »ordinary people« speaking the local dialect, became a traditional village activity. The villagers are active and creative in cultivating a memory. The identification with the significance of »our« man in the national mythology increases the importance of the village. The organisation of rituals is an important volunteer activity, which brings the village community together. The organisation of village rituals simultaneously represents the organisation of national rituals. The adherence to the local community outgrows itself. On one hand it is concrete and the members confirm it with joint activities, while on the other hand it is placed in a wider national context. The changes in the state related and ideological context (Austro Hungary, the First Yugoslavia, the socialist Yugoslavia, Slovenia) contribute to the shaping of the village rituals. Various nation building groups attempt to approximate the local patriotic nationhood to their own versions of the national ideologies. A constant misunderstanding exists between the local patriotic nationhood and the nationhood of the elites. A successful nationalism is a misunderstanding that »works«. The author’s thesis is based on the exploration of archive, newspaper and oral sources.
    • založnik
      • Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino
    • datum
      • 2013
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Angleščina
    • jeDelOd
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd