



Arhivski viri


Centralna pravosodna knjižnica


Zbirka raznih patentov, odlokov, predpisov, norm, navodil, okrožnic ipd., ki so jih izdali Karl VI., Marija Terezija in Jožef II.

Pokaži metapodatke
  • naslov
    • Zbirka raznih patentov, odlokov, predpisov, norm, navodil, okrožnic ipd., ki so jih izdali Karl VI., Marija Terezija in Jožef II.
    • A Collection of various Patents, Decrees, Regulations, Norms, Instructions, Circulars etc., issued by Charles VI., Maria Theresa and Joseph II.
  • opis
    • Zbirko patentov, odlokov, predpisov, norm, navodil, okrožnic ipd. Karla VI., Marije Terezije in Jožefa II. hrani Centralna pravosodna knjižnica v treh zvezkih. V prvem in drugem zvezku so listine Karla VI. in Marije Terezije, medtem ko so v zadnjem zvezku listine Marije Terezije in Jožefa II. Večina dokumentov je tiskanih in pisanih v tiskani gotici, manjši del pa so rokopisi v pisani gotici. Po vsebini so dokumenti precej raznovrstni. Listine prvih dveh zvezkov vsebujejo razne določbe v zvezi z (vojnim ) davkom, vojsko, dalje strankami v postopku, precej je listin v zvezi s tobakom in soljo (ter tihotapljenjem), s kovanci (zlatniki in srebrniki), prav tako pa tudi z raznimi ekscesi (dueli, pretepi itd.). Listine se dotikajo še duševne oskrbe, ureditve (plovnih) poti, mitnin kakor tudi (tranzitne) trgovine. Listine, ki jih je izdal Jožef II., so (poleg nekaterih že naštetih zadev) urejale še podložniške razmere (pritožbe, lastnina, tlaka), zadeve v zvezi s tolerančnim patentom, z zakonsko zvezo, s pošto, z živalmi ipd. Listine v zbirki se delno navezujejo na Kranjsko in notranjeavstrijske dežele, ostale pa so bolj splošne in so bile v veljavi za širše cesarstvo
    • (Original title: Sammlung verschiedener unter der Regierung Carl VI., Maria Theresa und Josef II. ergangenen Patente, Verordnungen, Vorschriften, Normen, Instruktionen, Cirkulare etc.) The collection of patents, decrees, regulations, norms, instructions, circulars etc. of Charles VI, Maria Theresa and Joseph II is kept at the Central Judicial Library in three volumes. The first and second volumes contain the documents of Charles VI and Maria Theresa, and the third one consists of the documents of Maria Theresa and Joseph II. The majority of the documents are printed in Gothic type, while some manuscripts are written in Gothic handwriting. The content of the documents is rather diverse. The documents in the first two volumes contain various provisions concerning (military) taxes, armed forces and parties to legal proceedings. Many of them concern tobacco and salt (smuggling), coins (gold and silver), as well as various types of disorderly conduct (duels, fights, etc.). The documents also relate to spiritual care, management of waterways and roads, tolls, and (transit) trade. The documents issued by Joseph II also provided for (apart from some of the aforementioned matters) serfdom issues (complaints, property, socage), matters related to the Patent of Tolerance, marriage, postal service, animals, etc. Partly the documents in the collection are related to Carniola and the Inner Austrian provinces, while the rest of them are more general and applicable to the wider Empire.
  • tip
    • besedilo
  • jezik
    • Slovenščina

I. Carl VI. – Maria Theresia
I. Charles VI. - Maria Theresa

Avtor: Karl VI., MarijaTerezija

II. Carl VI. – Maria Theresia
II. Charles VI. - Maria Theresa

Avtor: Karl VI., Marija Terezija

III. Maria Theresia – Josef II.
III. Maria Theresa - Josepf II.

Avtor: Marija Terezija, Jožef II.

od 1, 3 vnosov