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Zgodovina Indonezije - starejša obdobja

History of Indonesia – Ancient Periods

Avtor(ji):Robin Dewa
Soavtor(ji):Janez Marolt (ment.)
Založnik(i):Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Robin Dewa je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
Indonezijsko področje je odigralo pomembno vlogo v zgodovini. Ena izmed prvih sledi selitve homininov (vrste Homo erectus ali morda še kakšne prej) iz Afrike vodi prav v Indonezijo, kjer najdemo t. i. javanskega človeka že pred 1,8 milijona let. V Indoneziji se je vrsta Homo erectus razvila v t. i. velikane megantrope, ista ali pa še starejša vrsta homininov pa v pritlikavce iz Floresa, z vzdevkom hobit. Zadnje raziskave so pokazale, da so bili hominini, še posebej Homo erectus, veliko bolj razviti, kot se je do sedaj domnevalo...
Metapodatki (12)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/10483
    • naslov
      • Zgodovina Indonezije - starejša obdobja
      • History of Indonesia – Ancient Periods
    • ustvarjalec
      • Robin Dewa
    • soavtor
      • Janez Marolt (ment.)
    • predmet
      • poselitev
      • Nusantao
      • Lapita
      • Avstronezijci
      • nastanek hinduističnih in budističnih držav
      • islamizacija
      • kitajski vpliv
      • portugalska kolonizacija
    • opis
      • Indonesia is the Republic in Southeast Asia and is the largest archipelago in the world. It is very rich in history and some of the important world events took place there. It was one of the first places to be colonized by ancient hominin migration out of Africa ca. 2 million years ago (Javanese Homo erectus specimen, Homo floresiensis or Hobbit ...) as well as the area of ancient natural catastrophes such as volcano eruptions, tsunamis and floodings which affected the history of humankind (Toba volcano eruption 74000 BCE, Sundaland or Indonesian Atlantis drowning around 12000 BCE and Krakatau volcano eruption around 535 AD). Littleknown ancient migrations started from this area as Indonesia is the homeland of Austronesians with Austronesian languages widely dispersed throughout the islands of Southeast Asia and the Pacific, with a few members spoken on continental Asia and Madagascar. Ancient transcontinental migrations are described with a focus on Austronesian traces in Americas, Pacific, Mainland Asia, Middle East and even Europe. As a rich source of spices, resins, plants and minerals, the present-day area of Indonesia attracted numerous traders from all over the Old World, and as the source of myths of Paradise, Garden of Eden and other religious themes, Indonesia attracted various travellers and pilgrims of various religions too. Indonesia was greatly influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism but later on Islam took over and has become the main religion in Indonesia now. Indonesia had two great empires in the Middle Ages, Srivijaya and Majapahit, which included areas of neighbouring states. Java’s magnificent Borobudur is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world. Musliminfluences came from various sources, mostly Arabian, Indian and Chinese. Zheng He’s voyages both to Indonesia and elsewhere are described as well as his legacy. First Christian communities in Indonesia did not arise from European missionaries but from the missionary activities of the Assyrian Church of the East (commonly known as Nestorian Christianity) based in the present-day Iraq. European contacts with Indonesia are described up to the Portuguese conquests in the 16th century, including first Slovene contacts with Indonesia via travels of Odoric of Pordenone...
      • Indonezijsko področje je odigralo pomembno vlogo v zgodovini. Ena izmed prvih sledi selitve homininov (vrste Homo erectus ali morda še kakšne prej) iz Afrike vodi prav v Indonezijo, kjer najdemo t. i. javanskega človeka že pred 1,8 milijona let. V Indoneziji se je vrsta Homo erectus razvila v t. i. velikane megantrope, ista ali pa še starejša vrsta homininov pa v pritlikavce iz Floresa, z vzdevkom hobit. Zadnje raziskave so pokazale, da so bili hominini, še posebej Homo erectus, veliko bolj razviti, kot se je do sedaj domnevalo...
    • založnik
      • Univerza v Ljubljani
    • datum
      • 2011
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd
    • datotečni vir