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Kronika: časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino

O grobni kapeli na starem pokopališču pri cerkvi sv. Martina v Velenju

Avtor(ji):Rok Poles
Soavtor(ji):Miha Preinfalk (odg. ur.), Barbara Šterbenc Svetina (teh. ur.), Manca Gašperšič (prev.), Irena Bruckmüller Vilfan (prev.), Angelika Hribar (prev.)
Založnik(i):Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Rok Poles je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
The chapel of Aloysia Countess Harnoncour-Unverzagt, née Countess Locatelli, is one of the three historical funerary chapels built in the Šaleška valley. In 1870, it was built at the behest of Othenio Count Lichnowsky-Werdenberg, the future Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta for Austria and Bohemia. Countess Aloysia was married to Count Maximilian Victor, the constructor of the “lower castle” in Velenje (present-day Vila Bianca). The chapel was intended only for the burial of one person. The constructor had it completely equipped and designated the initial capital for the maintenance of the building and three masses per year. The chapel was built in a combination of historical styles and was the key spatial as well as substantial emphasis of the old cemetery in Velenje. Due to atmospheric influences and vandalism, it is partially demolished and severely endangered.
Metapodatki (12)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/36219
    • naslov
      • O grobni kapeli na starem pokopališču pri cerkvi sv. Martina v Velenju
      • On the funerary chapel in the old cemetery at St. Martin’s church in Velenje
    • ustvarjalec
      • Rok Poles
    • soavtor
      • Miha Preinfalk (odg. ur.)
      • Barbara Šterbenc Svetina (teh. ur.)
      • Manca Gašperšič (prev.)
      • Irena Bruckmüller Vilfan (prev.)
      • Angelika Hribar (prev.)
    • predmet
      • grobna kapela
      • Velenje
      • historizem
      • Vila Bianca
      • Aloysia grofica Harnoncour-Unverzagt (Locatelli)
      • funerary chapel
      • Velenje
      • historism
      • Vila Bianca
      • Aloysia Countess Harnoncour-Unverzagt (Locatelli)
    • opis
      • Kapela Aloysie grofice Harnoncour-Unverzagt, rojene grofice Locatelli, je ena od treh historističnih grobnih kapel, ki so bile zgrajene v Šaleški dolini. Leta 1870 jo je dal zgraditi Othenio grof Lichnowsky-Werdenberg, bodoči veliki prior malteškega viteškega reda za Avstrijo in Češko. Grofica Aloysia je bila poročena z grofom Maximilianom Victorjem, graditeljem »spodnjega gradu« v Velenju (danes Vila Bianca). Kapela je bila namenjena samo za pokop ene osebe, graditelj jo je v celoti opremil in ustanovni kapital namenil za vzdrževanje stavbe in tri maše letno. Kapela je bila grajena v kombinaciji historičnih slogov in je bila ključni prostorski in vsebinski poudarek starega velenjskega pokopališča. Zaradi atmosferskih vplivov in vandalizma je že delno porušena in skrajno ogrožena.
      • The chapel of Aloysia Countess Harnoncour-Unverzagt, née Countess Locatelli, is one of the three historical funerary chapels built in the Šaleška valley. In 1870, it was built at the behest of Othenio Count Lichnowsky-Werdenberg, the future Grand Prior of the Knights of Malta for Austria and Bohemia. Countess Aloysia was married to Count Maximilian Victor, the constructor of the “lower castle” in Velenje (present-day Vila Bianca). The chapel was intended only for the burial of one person. The constructor had it completely equipped and designated the initial capital for the maintenance of the building and three masses per year. The chapel was built in a combination of historical styles and was the key spatial as well as substantial emphasis of the old cemetery in Velenje. Due to atmospheric influences and vandalism, it is partially demolished and severely endangered.
    • založnik
      • Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije
    • datum
      • 2014
      • 01. 01. 2014
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • jeDelOd
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd