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Kronika: časopis za slovensko krajevno zgodovino

Bivanjska kultura jugovzhodnih Brd v predmarčni dobi

Avtor(ji):Tanja Gomiršek
Soavtor(ji):Miha Preinfalk (odg. ur.), Barbara Šterbenc Svetina (teh. ur.), Manca Gašperšič (prev.), Luka Vidmar (prev.), Mina Černe (prev.), Irena Žmuc (prev.), Mojca Bensa (prev.), Vinko Oblak (prev.)
Založnik(i):Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Tanja Gomiršek je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
Kmečko prebivalstvo v jugovzhodnih Brdih je glede na lastništvo zemlje spadalo v različne statusne skupine. Slednjim je bila lastna tudi bivanjska višina, ki je bila vidna v velikosti stanovanjske hiše, s čimer je bilo povezano število prostorov in njihova oprema, ter v diferenciaciji gospodarskih poslopij. V predmarčnem obdobju je bil za kmeta v Brdih še tako majhen predmet trajna dobrina, zato je bilo lastništvo in uporaba luksuznih predmetov, kot so ura, postelja in jedilni pribor, izrazit pokazatelj višjega socialnega statusa. Vse to lahko za 1. polovico 19. stoletja preučujemo z analizo gradiva zapuščinskih razprav, ki vsebuje tudi inventarne popise premoženja umrlega.
Metapodatki (12)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/34980
    • naslov
      • Bivanjska kultura jugovzhodnih Brd v predmarčni dobi
      • Housing Culture in Southeast Goriška brda in Pre-March Era
    • ustvarjalec
      • Tanja Gomiršek
    • soavtor
      • Miha Preinfalk (odg. ur.)
      • Barbara Šterbenc Svetina (teh. ur.)
      • Manca Gašperšič (prev.)
      • Luka Vidmar (prev.)
      • Mina Černe (prev.)
      • Irena Žmuc (prev.)
      • Mojca Bensa (prev.)
      • Vinko Oblak (prev.)
    • predmet
      • Goriška brda
      • kmečka hiša
      • bivalna višina
      • kuhinjska in hišna oprema
      • higiena
      • 19. stoletje
      • Goriška brda
      • farmhouse
      • housing culture
      • kitchen and home furnishing
      • hygiene
      • 19th century
    • opis
      • Kmečko prebivalstvo v jugovzhodnih Brdih je glede na lastništvo zemlje spadalo v različne statusne skupine. Slednjim je bila lastna tudi bivanjska višina, ki je bila vidna v velikosti stanovanjske hiše, s čimer je bilo povezano število prostorov in njihova oprema, ter v diferenciaciji gospodarskih poslopij. V predmarčnem obdobju je bil za kmeta v Brdih še tako majhen predmet trajna dobrina, zato je bilo lastništvo in uporaba luksuznih predmetov, kot so ura, postelja in jedilni pribor, izrazit pokazatelj višjega socialnega statusa. Vse to lahko za 1. polovico 19. stoletja preučujemo z analizo gradiva zapuščinskih razprav, ki vsebuje tudi inventarne popise premoženja umrlega.
      • Given the ownership of the land, the rural population in southeast Goriška brda belonged to different status groups. The latter are connected with the housing culture that was seen by the size of the house and the number of rooms and equipment, as well as by the differentiation of agricultural buildings. In pre-March period even a small object was a lasting good to a farmer in Brda. Thus the ownership and use of luxury items, such as clocks, beds and cutlery, was a distinct indicator of higher social status. For the first half of the 19th century, this can be studied by analysing materials from probate proceedings, which also contain the deceased’s property inventory list.
      • In addition to a small number of landowners and farmers, the vast majority of inhabitants of Goriška brda in the first half of the 19th century consisted of tenant farmers. Not all of them had an equal status. Those with mid and long-term leases, the same as landowners and small farmers, could legally give the leased farm to their heir, who was usually one of the sons. Land cultivation in hilly areas was much more difficult than in the plain. Rural facilities were thus smaller. They proportionately increased with the size of cultivable land in the plane. Size and ownership of the property were conditioned by family structure and housing culture. The main room on the ground floor consisted of a kitchen with a fireplace. The use of kitchenware, which in individual social strata differed in number and quality, was connected with it. Apartments of lower peasant classes, just as those in cities, were furnished only with the most necessary equipment. This affected the way of eating as we are in the period when the process of individualization among peasant population had only begun. Social status of the wealthy people is shown by spatially differentiated houses, rare plates made of tin, steel or majolica, expensive chests with hinges and locks, clocks and beds. Difficulties with water supply, lack of fountains and toilets show different behavioural norms and hygiene standards from the ones we know today. These norms developed with the process of sanitization.
    • založnik
      • Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije
    • datum
      • 2013
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • jeDelOd
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd