




Samovrednotenje dela učitelja zgodovine

Soavtor(ji):Danijela Trškan (ur.), Darja Pipuš Sunesko (prev.), Danijela Trškan (prev.)
Založnik(i):Oddelek za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Ljubljana
Vrst(e) gradiva:besedilo
Zbirk(e):Historia: znanstvena zbirka Oddelka za zgodovino Filozofska fakultete v Ljubljani; 19
Avtorske pravice:
CC license

To delo avtorja Matija Mitja Šitih je ponujeno pod Creative Commons Priznanje avtorstva-Nekomercialno-Brez predelav 4.0 Mednarodna

Datoteke (1)
The article summarized the central part of a Master's thesis, which researches the evaluation of pedagogic work of history teachers in general secondary schools. The teacher evaluates the success, purpose and effectiveness of his work by self-evaluation. This strives to ensure quality and entices a professional and personal development. Although the term implies various procedures (inquiry, discussion, reflection, class observation, self-assessment, etc.), all teachers come across self-evaluation. A history teacher with his/her work in class can have an impact on the perception of the pupils, can encourage the development of sensitivity and critical thinking and often represents to the pupils a certain reference and example. This is why a teacher cannot afford to not self-evaluate his work. Self-evaluation enables a current observation of the work and the possibility to determine the strong and weak areas. The time and effort a teacher invests in self-evaluation eventually pays off in the form of satisfaction in future work.
Metapodatki (13)
  • identifikatorhttps://hdl.handle.net/11686/30998
    • naslov
      • Samovrednotenje dela učitelja zgodovine
      • Self-evaluation of History teacher's work
    • ustvarjalec
      • Matija Mitja Šitih
    • soavtor
      • Danijela Trškan (ur.)
      • Darja Pipuš Sunesko (prev.)
      • Danijela Trškan (prev.)
    • predmet
      • samovrednotenje
      • učitelj zgodovine
      • kakovost
      • opazovanje pouka
      • profesionalni razvoj
      • vseživljenjsko učenje
      • self-evalvation
      • History teacher
      • quality
      • class observation
      • professional development
      • life-long learning
    • opis
      • Članek je povzet po osrednjem delu magistrske naloge, ki raziskuje ovrednotenje pedagoškega dela učiteljev zgodovine v gimnazijah. Učitelj preverja uspeh, smiselnost in efektivnost lastnega dela s samovrednotenjem, ki teži k zagotavljanju kakovosti ter spodbuja profesionalni in osebni razvoj. Čeprav si pod istim pojmom predstavljajo različne postopke (anketiranje, pogovor, refleksijo, opazovanje pouka, samoocenjevanje ...), se s samovrednotenjem srečujejo vsi učitelji. Učitelj zgodovine z delom v razredu lahko vpliva na predstave učencev, spodbuja razvoj občutljivosti in kritičnosti ter učencem pogosto predstavlja referenco in zgled. Zato si nespraševanja o svojem delu ne sme privoščiti. Samovrednotenje omogoča sprotno preverjanje dela in ugotavljanje močnih in šibkih področij. Čas in napor, ki ga učitelj vloži vanj, se prej ali slej povrneta v obliki zadovoljstva pri nadaljnjem delu.
      • The article summarized the central part of a Master's thesis, which researches the evaluation of pedagogic work of history teachers in general secondary schools. The teacher evaluates the success, purpose and effectiveness of his work by self-evaluation. This strives to ensure quality and entices a professional and personal development. Although the term implies various procedures (inquiry, discussion, reflection, class observation, self-assessment, etc.), all teachers come across self-evaluation. A history teacher with his/her work in class can have an impact on the perception of the pupils, can encourage the development of sensitivity and critical thinking and often represents to the pupils a certain reference and example. This is why a teacher cannot afford to not self-evaluate his work. Self-evaluation enables a current observation of the work and the possibility to determine the strong and weak areas. The time and effort a teacher invests in self-evaluation eventually pays off in the form of satisfaction in future work.
    • založnik
      • Oddelek za zgodovino Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani
    • zbirka
      • Historia: znanstvena zbirka Oddelka za zgodovino Filozofska fakultete v Ljubljani; 19
    • datum
      • 2011
    • tip
      • besedilo
    • jezik
      • Slovenščina
    • jeDelOd
    • pravice
      • licenca: ccByNcNd